Top Must Have WordPress Plugins for All New Website Owners

11:11:00 3 Comments A+ a-

Are you a new blog/website owner? And are you looking to spice up your WordPress website? Then there is some best plugins for you. These help you to make your website more popular in search.

1) All in one Webmaster

If you are a webmaster you probably heard of Google Webmaster Tool. Bing has it’s own versions called Bing Webmaster Central. With them you can check how your site is indexed (Webmaster Tool), get detailed statistics (Analytics Tool), earn money (Google AdSense) and more.

This WordPress Plugin allows you to easily integrate them with your blog. It has option to add Google, Bing, Alexa, Blog Catalog, Yahoo’s Webmaster and Analytics code (meat tags). Single click sitemap submission to Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask. In addition to that it has option to add tracking code for Clicky, Quantcast, analytics!! Site-Verification-Option, Google XML sitemap submission and much more. Grab your copy.

If you change your WordPress theme, you don’t have to add all meta tags again to your theme. Plugin will add metadata or required scripts to all Posts and Pages automatically.

All in One Webmaster Premium - screenshot-2

2) WP Super Cache

This plugin is great for one reason. It makes your pages load way faster. It generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your WebServer will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. Grab your copy.

WP Super Cache Caching

3) Akismet

Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet Web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” admin screen. Grab your copy.

Akismet - Stop SPAM on your WordPress blog

4) WordPrese SEO ( Yoast SEO )

No doubt this is the best WordPress SEO Plugin right now. I use it here on So many eye catching features like:

XML Sitemap
Home Page / Posts / Pages title slug
Social Media integration
Robots.txt and .htaccess file modification
And lot more
Grab your copy.

Top Newsletter and Mailing List WordPress Plugins

10:38:00 0 Comments A+ a-

One of the main requests you get as a developer from clients is to have a mailing list options on their website. There are many options to create a mailing list.
you can let subscribers sign for a mail every time a post is published Subscribe2 does, provides a comprehensive subscription management and email notification system for WordPress blogs that sends email notifications to a list of subscribers when you publish new content to your blog.
1) MailChimp WordPress Plugin
The MailChimp plugin allows you to quickly and easily add a signup form for your MailChimp list as a widget on your WordPress 2.8 or higher site.
This plug-in lets you collect subscribers on your blog with a single or double opt-in subscription process. Double opt-in means the user has to confirm a subscription following simple standard instructions sent to him via email.
This plugin is a simple newsletter plugin. It can show opt-in form, save opt-in email and name, and send emails to your opt-in list. It also have import and export email data ability.
MailChimp is my favorite one. What is yours?
Have anything to add to this article? Please chime in and join the conversion.

How to display recent posts in wordpress?

10:12:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Many time we need to display our recent posts. Like if you want to display recent posts at your home page or in sidebar. Any were in you website you can show latest posts with this code. This code only show 7posts in your target area. But if you want to show more or lesser then seven post then you can edit this code like showposts=7 you have to change only numerical value according to requirement. Here is the code you need to display the most recent 7 posts

Recently updated posts widget you can also use for this click below link:- Display Recently Updated Posts/Pages Sometimes we need to show most recently updated Posts/Pages in WordPress Theme. Below simple function will help you on the same.

("SELECT ID, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts 
WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_modified_gmt 
< '$today' ORDER BY post_modified_gmt DESC LIMIT $howMany")):

    post_title == '') $post->post_title = sprintf(__('Post #%s'), $post->ID); echo "
  • "; the_title(); echo '
  • '; } ?>

How to Add a Favicon to Your WordPress website or blog?

11:50:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Favicon is the small icon image that appear to your website title in the browser. It helps your users identify your website and more frequent visitors of your site will build an instant recognition for that image. 

A favicon is typically a graphic 16 x 16 pixels square and is saved as favicon.ico in the root directory of your server. You can use a favicon with any WordPress blog on a web server that allows access to the root directories.

How to create Favicon

A favicon is a simple square image. Ideally, it can be 32×32 pixels or a 16×16 pixels image. Open Photoshop or another image editor and create a square image of 128×128 pixels so that you can easily work on the image. Once you have created the image you can resize it into a 32×32 pixels and save it as a PNG file.
Even though most modern browsers will display a favicon in PNG format, older versions of Internet Explorer will not. To make sure that your favicon is displayed in most browsers and devices it is recommended that you convert it to a 16×16 pixels .ico file. To convert a PNG file into .ico you can use Dynamic Drive’s favicon genrator

Install a Favicon in wordpress

  1. Go to your WordPress Administration Panel.
  2. Click on Appearance.
  3. Click on Theme Editor.
  4. Select the file called Header or header.php to edit the file.
  5. Search for the line of code that begins with <link rel="shortcut icon" and ends with /favicon.ico" />. Overwrite it, if it exists, or add the following code below the <head> HTML tag.
  6. Save the changes.
You have done Enjoy!

How to add custom menu in wordpress nav-menu?

11:23:00 1 Comments A+ a-

When we going to use over own template in wordpress. The most important part of template to make dynamic our custom menu with wordpress default menu with php code. you have just follow some simple steps .

Step 1:- Create your menu css according to wordpress menu css. Its not so difficult dear. Its very easy to do .
You just give a class under UL tag.
 because in wordpress all <li></li> css is based on this class only. So create you menu css with the style like that-

Step 2:- After the css of your menu according to WP. Replace your ul with wordpress class.
like :- 

After code :
  'primary', 'menu_class' => 
'nav-menu', 'menu_id' => 'primary-menu' ) ); ?>

Before edit
  'primary', 'menu_class' => 
'menu', 'menu_id' => 'primary-menu' ) ); ?> 

In about code we just have to replace our class under ul named menu in the palce of nav-menu.

You have done enjoy.

How to Create Tabs in the Sidebar of WordPress Blog?

10:51:00 0 Comments A+ a-

These days if you look at any premium theme you can see tabs feature in the sidebar. These special Tabber contains tabs, which are a way to put in and display more content in less space. These tabs are used in sidebars and also in the header part for providing easy navigation. It can have wide variety of content like recent posts, comments, archives, tags etc. When you click on any tab, only the content under that particular tab gets highlighted and the rest of the tabs’ content stays hidden.

 To create tabs in your sidebar you will need any Tabber plugin. This will be good if your theme is widget ready. But the best way I recommend is DomTabs. You can download them file here : Domtabs. This domtabs is one of the best way to create your own Tabs. Here is the procedure to make your own tabbed sidebar.. - See more at:

more information please visit this link :

How to make clone post and pages?

09:34:00 0 Comments A+ a-

How to make duplicate of your post ?, How to make copy of a post or page ?

When we need to make multiple pages or post with same design. Then we not need to make every pages or post . You can just install a plugin for make duplicate post or page. Its very easy to use and help you to do your work faster.
Download plugin form below link:  

How To Add Gravatars For The Post Author in WordPress

11:10:00 1 Comments A+ a-

If you like to add gravatars for the post author then its very simple to do because wordpress has already give this feature.
How about adding them to your post titles to highlight the comment author? Within the loop?
Here’s the code:

get_the_author_email outputs the post author’s email and the “80” is the size of the avatar image in pixels (you can change that). How this will look depends on how you use it; where you put it in the theme (it has to be in the loop!) and how you style it.

referenced form

WordPress Hack: Opening Links in New Windows

10:57:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Do you like to open every link of your website in different page or _blank page ?
If yes then you just have make some litter changes in your admin file

Step 1 - Wp-admin > quicktags.js 

Step 2

if (!edCheckOpenTags(i)) {
var URL = prompt('Enter the URL' ,defaultValue);
if (URL) {
edButtons[i].tagStart = '<a href="' + URL + '">';
edInsertTag(myField, i);
Step 3. Replace it with:

if (!edCheckOpenTags(i)) {
var URL = prompt('Enter the URL' ,defaultValue);
if (URL) {
edButtons[i].tagStart = '<a href="' + URL + '"';
if (URL!='http://')
var defaultTarget = prompt('Enter the Target' ,'_blank');
if (defaultTarget) edButtons[i].tagStart += ' target="' + defaultTarget + '"';
} edButtons[i].tagStart +='>';
edInsertTag(myField, i);

Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress

10:39:00 0 Comments A+ a-

As you see now, more and more bloggers are adding weekly email newsletter service on their blog. A lot of their audience subscribe to the weekly newsletter because it summarizes the week worth of activities on the blog, and it has exclusive tips just for the subscribers. There are many email newsletter solutions like Aweber, one of the most recommended one, but they all charge money. The solution we are going to mention in here by no means can compare to the features provided by the premium service like Aweber, and it must not be considered as the better system. Our solution is rather to give bloggers an affordable and functional method to create newsletter by using the open source software that we all love, WordPress.
In this tutorial, we will be using WordPress and Feedburner with a few plugins to create a simple Email Newsletter Service for your WordPress blog. You can track the performance of your newsletter by checking how many subscribers you have, how many clicks each link gets and much more.
Note: The codes referenced in this article will vary across themes because each designer has their own style of coding. So look for something similar or along the line of that code. This is by no means an advanced tutorial, but HTML and CSS Knowledge is recommended.
Referenced form

For more information   Click here

How to add different header for every page

10:12:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Many time we want to make a different type of header for inner pages . Which is totally different to the home page header. Some time we want to add banner image for every inner page of out website.
Its very simple to do.
 There is two way to do this job. First with wordpress page. Second is with simple php page.

Without PHP method

 Step1 - Firstly copy your theme header.php file and paste with the same location with different   name. Like i want to make a different header for About page. Then you just make a copy of header.php and rename it with the name header-about.php. Its compulsory to make your header name with same format with ( - ) this sign.


  Step2 - Open your page where you want to show your header and paste the code given below.

You just have to put the title after ( - ) this sign. Like if my page name is services then just replace the word about into services 
With PHP

Its so simple then first way of changing header. In this way you just give a condition according to your page title.

Paste this code in your header.php file. you can use slug name of the page also in place of page title.

How to speed up your wordpress website?

12:40:00 0 Comments A+ a-

15 Easy Ways To Speed Up WordPress

 Every body want to speed up their website . Its very simple to make your website with some tips and tricks. Like you can manage your content well or can add some use full plugin for your back end data like with save your cashe etc.

When a person lands on your site for the first time, you only have a few seconds to capture their attention to convince them to hang around.

For farther information

How To Avoid Duplicate Posts

23:34:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Duplicated contents are pretty bad and they somehow affects how search engine weights your site. Here’s how you can avoid getting duplicated contents on your blog.

Click here to reference 

How to Add a Contact Form to WordPress

11:38:00 3 Comments A+ a-

Its very important part of a website. It’s important to provide options for people to contact you from your web site.

Well, the long tail “how to add a contact form to wordpress” jumped out at me. It’s a safe assumption that if one person wants to know how to do something, many others do as well. It is of the same level of safety for the assumption that if Google “suggests” a phrase in auto-complete, people have searched for it in the past.

Therefore, I present this tutorial to you.

Using a Template File or a Plugin for a WordPress Contact Form

I am a fan of using plugins for WordPress functionality, and of leaving the aesthetics to a theme. However, your theme may already have a contact form Template attached to it. If so, you can just create a new page and change the Template to “contact” or something similar and voila you have a contact form.

For this tutorial I will be using the Contact Form 7 plugin. It is available at or in the plugin repository.

To add it you go to the add new plugin screen, do a search for “contact form 7″ then get it downloaded, installed and activated like you would any other plugin.

From there you will create the form. In this tutorial we will just give the form a name and then use all the defaults. This however only scratches the surface of what Contact Form 7 is capable of. I encourage you to explore the possibilities if you need more complex forms.

Creating a Contact Form for WordPress Using the Contact Form 7 Plugin

Once the plugin is installed and activated, follow the steps below to create a contact form.

1.      In the left hand menu, click Contact >> Add New.

2.      Click the Add New button. This extra step is there to allow you to change the language of your contact form if need be.

3.      Give it a title and click the Save button.

This will create a contact form that sends email to your admin email address. It will also use the main fields: name, email, subject, and message for the form. You can add extra stuff in there but we won’t in this tutorial. We are creating just a basic contact form here.

Adding the Contact Form 7 Shortcode to a WordPress Page

The form that we created in the previous steps will have generated a shortcode. To get it, follow the steps below.

1.      In the left hand menu, click Contact >> Contact Forms.

2.      You will see the shortcode next to the form that you created. Right-click it and click copy.

Now you just need to paste the shortcode into a new page. Simply go to Pages>> Add New, give the page a name, then paste in the shortcode into the body area. Then Publish the page, view it, fill out the form and test it out.

You should get an email post haste.

From here you can add the Contact Page to the WordPress menu if it isn’t displayed by default on your site.

Using a WordPress Page as Your Home Page

11:27:00 1 Comments A+ a-

IF you like to use any custom page as your home page then the first step is to create a page to serve as your new home page. For the purpose of this example, we’ll call it “My New Home Page.”

1.   In your WP control panel, select the Pages tab.
2.   Click on Add New.
3.   Give the page a title – something like, “HOMEPAGE”
4.   Create the content for your home page just as you would a blog post.
5.   Click the Publish button.
While you’re still in the Write Page subpanel, create a second page:
1.   Title this one “RECENT POSTS” (or whatever you want to call the page that your recent posts appear on).
2.   You don’t need to have any Page Content for this one.
3.   Click the Publish button.
Now you’re ready tell WP to use your new page as the home page:
1.   In the Settings panel on the left navigation select Reading.
2.   At the top of the Reading Options subpanel you’ll see:

How To Set Page As Homepage In WordPress - Step 1

3.   To change the front page to your new home page, select “A static page” for Front page displays.
4.   Select “HOMEPAGE” from the Front page drop down menu.
5.   Finally, be sure to tell WP which page to use to display your recent posts. From the Posts page menu select the “Recent Posts” page you created earlier. As you can see in the picture below, our posts page has not been set yet.

How To Set Page As Homepage In WordPress - Step 2

6.   Click Save Changes.
View your site. “HOMEPAGE” should now be your home page. You also do not need to put the title in all caps. This was simply done for our example.

How to use a child theme in wordpress

10:32:00 2 Comments A+ a-

Creating a child theme when you are going to edit in code of any theme’s code can save you a lot of future headache. Child themes allow you to make changes without affecting the original theme’s code. which makes it easy to update your parent theme without removing  your changes. By creating a child theme, you can easly update your parents theme without affecting the original theme at all. Not only does this make updating easier, it also makes sure that you will never ruin your original theme as you are never actually modifying the files. You can always turn off your child theme and fall back on the original.

Lets Started

In this example, we will be creating a child theme for our Demo1 theme. First things first, we need to create a new folder for your child theme. Naming it something like /deml-child/ is conventional. Within your new theme folder, create a file called style.css and fill in the information as outlined below. The theme Name, URI, Description and Author are totally up to you.

 Theme Name:     Demo Child Theme

 Theme URI:
 Description:    Demo Child Theme

 Author:         designerwaves
 Author URI:

 Template:       Demo
 Version:        1.0.0


@import url("../Demo/style.css");

After you have created your child theme folder and style.css file, you can upload and activate your new child theme. Uploading and activating a child .

 Appearances > Themes page in your WordPress Dashboard and activate it. Before

Modifying Your Theme’s CSS

We have now created our Demo child theme. All content of my theme will be same after importing all relative files. To modify your theme’s CSS, you can add any changes to your child theme’s CSS file below the @import line. All new CSS information is added after the original theme’s CSS is loaded. Because our new CSS is located below the original’s in the file, all new CSS styles will overwrite the original’s.

Editing file.php of theme

If you want to make change in any .php file like function.php, page.php, single.php etc.
Then its very simple to do, you just create a file with same name which you like to customise in  child theme folder.
For example if i like to make any change in function.php
Step1 :- make a new function.php file in demo-child theme folder
Step2 :-  Now write your code here
In this same way you can edit nay other files also like style.css, css/responsive.css
Your path related to your file were you want to edit will be same like
Its very simple to edit with child theme and its completely safe to update your parents theme in future.
If you not like to do all these things then also not any problem you can use a simple plugin for it.

Additional Child Theme Resources

1. The One Click Child Theme Plugin – If you are having difficulty wrapping your head around the creation of the child theme folder, then this plugin will create one for you with the click of a button!