How to use a child theme in wordpress

10:32:00 2 Comments A+ a-

Creating a child theme when you are going to edit in code of any theme’s code can save you a lot of future headache. Child themes allow you to make changes without affecting the original theme’s code. which makes it easy to update your parent theme without removing  your changes. By creating a child theme, you can easly update your parents theme without affecting the original theme at all. Not only does this make updating easier, it also makes sure that you will never ruin your original theme as you are never actually modifying the files. You can always turn off your child theme and fall back on the original.

Lets Started

In this example, we will be creating a child theme for our Demo1 theme. First things first, we need to create a new folder for your child theme. Naming it something like /deml-child/ is conventional. Within your new theme folder, create a file called style.css and fill in the information as outlined below. The theme Name, URI, Description and Author are totally up to you.

 Theme Name:     Demo Child Theme

 Theme URI:
 Description:    Demo Child Theme

 Author:         designerwaves
 Author URI:

 Template:       Demo
 Version:        1.0.0


@import url("../Demo/style.css");

After you have created your child theme folder and style.css file, you can upload and activate your new child theme. Uploading and activating a child .

 Appearances > Themes page in your WordPress Dashboard and activate it. Before

Modifying Your Theme’s CSS

We have now created our Demo child theme. All content of my theme will be same after importing all relative files. To modify your theme’s CSS, you can add any changes to your child theme’s CSS file below the @import line. All new CSS information is added after the original theme’s CSS is loaded. Because our new CSS is located below the original’s in the file, all new CSS styles will overwrite the original’s.

Editing file.php of theme

If you want to make change in any .php file like function.php, page.php, single.php etc.
Then its very simple to do, you just create a file with same name which you like to customise in  child theme folder.
For example if i like to make any change in function.php
Step1 :- make a new function.php file in demo-child theme folder
Step2 :-  Now write your code here
In this same way you can edit nay other files also like style.css, css/responsive.css
Your path related to your file were you want to edit will be same like
Its very simple to edit with child theme and its completely safe to update your parents theme in future.
If you not like to do all these things then also not any problem you can use a simple plugin for it.

Additional Child Theme Resources

1. The One Click Child Theme Plugin – If you are having difficulty wrapping your head around the creation of the child theme folder, then this plugin will create one for you with the click of a button! 


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